Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lin-Manuel Miranda-Say no to this!

En verard que este banner paso por tantos nombres y todos eran de la lirica de Hamilton hasta llegar a llamarse Say no do this y todo fue por el gif de Linlin! Diganme que no pueden decirle que no a esa cosa bella! 



Texures are:  ErenaeErae Love 
PSD are: Thiraaziz and other but i dont remeber La la la la
PNG are: sweetpoisonresources 
and RavenHeart1989 :D (Big Grin) 
LMM pngs are mine :happybounce: 

gif google Clap  

Don't claim as yours. ...  No reclame tuyo....

Don't copy, cuts, alter, crop and the most important thing don't SALE IT ^^  No copiar, cortar, alterar, cropiar y la cosa mas importante NO VENDER ^^ 

Thank You- Gracias 😍

Please visit my DA

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Chris Hemsworth- Drowning in your love!

Mr. Hemsworth

Thor Wink Thor: Another! YES!!! ~ Thor: Ragnarok 


Textures are: ErenaeErae   Giggle 
CH PNGS are: youremyonlydream Love 
Psds are: RavenOrlov  Clap 

Don't claim as yours. ...  No reclame tuyo....

Don't copy, cuts, alter, crop and the most important thing don't SALE IT ^^  No copiar, cortar, alterar, cropiar y la cosa mas importante NO VENDER ^^ 

Thank You- Gracias 😍

Please visit my DA

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

(EXO) Baekhyun


[EXO] Baekhyun Emoticon Baekhyun [Cheeky Smile] Bitter Gourd Baekhyun 


                 Textures are: ErenaeErae   Giggle 
BH pngs are:  fairyixing Love 
Psds are: RavenOrlov  Clap 

Don't claim as yours. ...  No reclame tuyo....

Don't copy, cuts, alter, crop and the most important thing don't SALE IT ^^  No copiar, cortar, alterar, cropiar y la cosa mas importante NO VENDER ^^ 

Thank You- Gracias 😍

Please visit my DA